In Memory of





Condolence From: Dawn
Condolence: My sincere condolences to your family. May you find comfort found in the words of Isaiah 25:8
Saturday February 13, 2016
Condolence From: TB Lyons III
Condolence: To the family of my "swabbie" brother, Stan: For many years I would talk to Stan at the bar of the Waikiki Elks Club #616. Stan would always wear his USS Alabama cap to the Elks Club and both of us "swabbies" would always share our aloha. My wife Betsy and I even shared an entire night on board the USS Missouri in January 2010 in Pearl Harbor with Stan, as the Mighty Mo left dry dock, inch by inch over 8 hours, and moved to its permanent berthing at Ford Island. We talked about the old Korean war days for many hours. Aloha ol' Navy Buddy. Rest in Peace! TB Lyons III x-USN 1948 Gunner's Mate Third Class
Tuesday December 29, 2015